Python: Code Snippets - System Information
Friday 21st July 2017 3:16am
This is script displays system information including:
- Software
- Memory
- Storage
- Network
- Previous Networks
- Network Devices
To run this script copy the code below and save to a file called
#!/usr/bin/env python from urllib2 import urlopen from collections import namedtuple from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import socket import fcntl import struct import platform import getpass import os import sys import subprocess class SystemInfo(): # ## Software Information ## # # Get hostname def get_hostname(self): return socket.gethostname() def get_platform_info(self): os_platform = platform.platform() distname, dist_version, id = platform.linux_distribution() system, node, release, version, machine, processor = platform.uname() return (os_platform, distname, dist_version, id, system, node, release, version, machine, processor) # Get username def get_username(self): return getpass.getuser() # Is current user root def _is_user_root(self): if os.geteuid() == 0: return True else: return False # ## CPU Information ## # # Get CPU info def get_cpu_info(self): _ntuple_CPUinfo = namedtuple('CPU', 'model hardware revision \ serial cores temp') try: return _ntuple_CPUinfo(self.get_cpu_model(), self.get_cpu_hardware(), self.get_cpu_revision(), self.get_cpu_serial(), self.get_cpu_cores(), self.get_cpu_temp()) except: return 'Error: Unable to get cpu information :(' # Get CPU items def _get_cpu_item(self, item, ini_value): temp = ini_value try: f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') for line in f: if line[0:len(item)] == item: item_value = line[len(item)+3:] f.close() except: item_value = 'Error: Unable to get %s :(' % item return item_value.strip() # Get CPU Serial Number def get_cpu_serial(self): return self._get_cpu_item('Serial', '0000000000000000') # Get Model Name def get_cpu_model(self): return self._get_cpu_item('model name', '') # Get Hardware def get_cpu_hardware(self): return self._get_cpu_item('Hardware', '') # Get Revision def get_cpu_revision(self): return self._get_cpu_item('Revision', '') # Return CPU temperature as a character string def get_cpu_temp(self): res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline() return(res.replace("temp=", "").replace("'C\n", "")) # Get number of cpu cores def get_cpu_cores(self): # Linux, Unix and MacOS: if hasattr(os, "sysconf"): if "SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN" in os.sysconf_names: # Linux and Unix: ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN") if isinstance(ncpus, int) and ncpus > 0: return ncpus else: # OSX: return int(os.popen2("sysctl -n hw.ncpu")[1].read()) # ## Hard Disk Informtion ## # # Get Hard Drive Devices def get_devices(self, path): return next(os.walk(path))[1] # Get hard drive usage def disk_usage(self, path): _ntuple_diskusage = namedtuple('usage', 'path total used free') st = os.statvfs(path) free = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize total = st.f_blocks * st.f_frsize used = (st.f_blocks - st.f_bfree) * st.f_frsize return _ntuple_diskusage(path, total, used, free) # Get hard drive(s) info def get_disk_info(self): devices = [] for device in self.get_devices("/media/"): devices.append(self.disk_usage("/media/" + device + "/")) devices.append(self.disk_usage("/root/")) return devices # ## Memory Informtion ## # # Get memory info def get_ram_info(self): _ntuple_RAMinfo = namedtuple('RAM', 'total used free') p = os.popen('free') i = 0 while i < 3: i += 1 line = p.readline() if i == 2: total = line.split()[1] used = line.split()[2] free = int(total) - int(used) return _ntuple_RAMinfo(total, used, free) # ## Network Informtion ## # # Get list of network settings def get_network_settings(self): _ntuple_LANinfo = namedtuple('LAN', 'ssid psk proto') ssid = '' psk = '' proto = '' settings = [] if os.path.exists('/var/lib/connman'): for network in next(os.walk('/var/lib/connman'))[1]: settings.append((network, '')) file = open('/var/lib/connman/%s/settings' % network, 'r') for line in file: settings.append((line[:line.find('=')], line[line.find('=')+1:].replace('\n', ''))) file.close() settings.append(('', '')) elif os.path.exists('/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'): file = open('/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf', 'r') for line in file: settings.append((line[:line.find('=')].strip(), line[line.find('=')+1:].replace('\n', ''))) file.close() else: return 'Error getting Network Settings!' return settings # Get list of networks def get_networks_info(self): try: lst = [] tabs = '' for name, value in self.get_network_settings(): if name != value: if value != '': if len(name) < 8: tabs = "\t\t\t" elif len(name) > 13: tabs = "\t" else: tabs = "\t\t" lst.append('\t\t %s:%s%s\n' % (name, tabs, value)) else: lst.append('\t\t%s\n\n' % name) return lst except: return 'Error getting Networks!' # Get the WAN IP address def get_wan_ip_addr(self): try: return urlopen('').read() except: return 'Error getting WAN IP Address!' # Get LAN IP address for either etho or wlan def get_lan_ip_addr(self, ifname): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl( s.fileno(), 0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]) )[20:24]) except: return 'Error! Unable to get LAN IP address :(' # Get default gateway def get_default_gateway(self): with open("/proc/net/route") as fh: for line in fh: fields = line.strip().split() if fields[1] != '00000000' or not int(fields[3], 16) and 2: continue return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L", int(fields[2], 16))) # Get whois response def get_whois(self, ip): results = [] if self.is_tool_installed('whois') is False: if self._is_user_root(): self.install_tool('whois') else: return results desc = ['netname:', 'descr:', 'country:', 'role:'] p = os.popen('whois ' + ip) for line in p: for item in desc: if line[0:len(item)] == item: results.append(line[len(item):].strip()) return results # Check tool is installed def is_tool_installed(self, name): try: devnull = open(os.devnull) subprocess.Popen([name], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull).communicate() except OSError as e: if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT: return False return True # Install Whois def install_tool(self, name): os.popen('sudo apt-get install -y -qq %s' % name, 'w', 1) # Discover other devices on the network def get_arp_info(self): import re devices = [] pid = Popen(["arp"], stdout=PIPE) s = pid.communicate()[0] for item in s.split('\n'): devices.append("%s" % item.strip()) return devices # Get complete system information def get_system_info(self): try: root_user = self._is_user_root() arp_info = self.get_arp_info() cpu_info = self.get_cpu_info() disk_info = self.get_disk_info() ram_info = self.get_ram_info() networks_info = self.get_networks_info() whois_info = self.get_whois(self.get_wan_ip_addr()) disk_info_txt = '\nStorage:' networks_info_txt = '' arp_info_txt = '\nNetwork Devices:\n' if root_user: networks_info_txt = '\nPrevious Networks:\n' hostname = self.get_hostname() username = self.get_username() (os_platform, distname, dist_version, id, system, node, release, version, machine, processor) = self.get_platform_info() for item in disk_info: disk_info_txt = disk_info_txt + '\ \n\t\t Path: %s\n \ Total: %sGB\n \ Used: %sGB\n \ Free: %sGB\n' % ( item.path, / (1024**3), item.used / (1024**3), / (1024**3)) if root_user: for network in networks_info: networks_info_txt = networks_info_txt + network for device in arp_info: arp_info_txt = arp_info_txt + '\t\t%s\n' % device return '\nSoftware:\n \ Username: %s\n \ Hostname: %s\n \ Platform: %s\n \ Distribution: %s\n \ Dist. Version: %s\n \ System: %s\n \ Node: %s\n \ Release: %s\n \ Version: %s\n \ Machine: %s\n \ Processor: %s\n \ \nCPU:\n \ Model: %s\n \ Cores: %s\n \ Temp: %s\n \ Hardware: %s\n \ Revision: %s\n \ Serial number: %s\n \ \nMemory:\n \ Total: %sMB\n \ Used: %sMB\n \ Free: %sMB\n \ %s \ \nNetwork:\n \ LAN IP Address:\n \ \teth0: %s\n \ \twlan0: %s\n \ Gateway IP Address: %s\n \ WAN IP Address: %s\n \ Whois:\n \ \tnetname: %s\n \ \trole: %s\n \ \tdescr: %s\n \ \tcountry: %s\n \ %s \ %s' % ( username, hostname, os_platform, distname, dist_version, system, node, release, version, machine, processor, cpu_info.model, cpu_info.cores, cpu_info.temp, cpu_info.hardware, cpu_info.revision, cpu_info.serial, int( / 1024, int(ram_info.used) / 1024, int( / 1024, disk_info_txt, self.get_lan_ip_addr('eth0'), self.get_lan_ip_addr('wlan0'), self.get_default_gateway(), self.get_wan_ip_addr(), whois_info[0], whois_info[3], whois_info[1], whois_info[2], networks_info_txt, arp_info_txt) except: return 'Error! Unable to get system informtaion :(' # Check if running stand-alone or imported if __name__ == '__main__': import system_info si = SystemInfo() info = si.get_system_info() print info
sudo python Software: Username: root Hostname: prb-glow Plantform: Linux-4.9.35+-armv6l-with-debian-8.0 Distribution: debian Dist. Version: 8.0 System: Linux Node: prb-glow Release: 4.9.35+ Version: #1014 Fri Jun 30 14:34:49 BST 2017 Machine: armv61 Processor: CPU: Model: ARMv6-compatible processor rev 7 (v61) Cores: 1 Temp: 41.2 Hardware: BCM2835 Revision: 9000c1 Serial Number: 0000000009f23301 Memory: Total: 370MB Used: 46MB Free: 324MB Storage: Path: /root/ Total: 7GB Used: 1GB Free: 5GB Network: LAN IP Address: eth0: Error! Unable to get LAN IP Address : ( wlan0: Gateway IP Address: WAN IP Address: Whois: netname: VMCBBUK role: Virgin Media Network Management Centre descr: NORTHFIELDS country: GB Previous Networks: ctrl_interface: DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config: 1 network { ssid: "PRB WLAN" psk: "PASSWORD HERE" proto: WPA2 key_mgmt: WPA-PSK } Network Devices: Address HWtype HWAddress Flags Mask Iface ether b8:27:eb:5c:57:ff C wlan0 ether 00:16:ea:5c:c6:10 C wlan0 ether a0:21:b7:23:46:b3 C wlan0 ether b8:27:eb:ad:c0:01 C wlan0